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Biography and Real history of Nur ad-Din Zengi

Biography and Real history of Nur ad-Din Zengi

Some fearless heroes in the history of Islam spent their entire lives for the cause of the Islamic world and the Muslim Ummah. One of the era’s reformers, the dreamer of the Muslim rulers for the restoration of Baitul Muqaddas, was Nur ad-Din Zengi. He is such an ideal human being to whom Allah has given the ability and wisdom to run the state with justice.

The world had a remarkable assembly of many Muslim rulers during his time. Their contributions in the service of Islam and the Muslim Ummah were to be remembered with gratitude. But no one was as active and visionary as him to liberate Al Aqsa. Let us know the brief biography of that excellent, talented, and influential ruler.

Birth and Genealogy of Nur ad-Din:

The last ruler of the militant dynasty of Turks, the dreamer of the revival of Baitul Muqaddas, Nur Uddin Abul Qasim Mahmud Ibn Imaduddin was born in February 1118. He was a militant dynastic ruler of Turkish origin. He ruled the Syrian province of the Seljuk Empire from 1146 to 1174 AD. He ruled for 28 years, from 1146 to 1174. He is considered an essential figure in the Second Crusade. Biography and Real history of Nur ad-Din Zengi

Fulfillment of Nur Ud-Din Zengi’s wishes and dreams:

Nur ud-Din’s constant efforts were to unite all the Muslims between the Euphrates and the Nile against the Crusaders. After the conquest of Egypt, it was the dream of Nur-ud-Din to unite the Muslim states and reclaim Baitul Muqaddas for the Muslims, for which he spent his whole life in Jihad.

Later, this dream of his dear disciple, Sultan Salah Uddin Ayyuubi, was ended. He was the guardian of Sultan Salah al-Din Ayyubi, the conqueror of Jerusalem and the proud brain-crusher of the Crusaders, who brought Ayyubi to the field of Jihad.

Death of Nur Uddin Zengi’s father and rise to power:

Note that Nur Uddin’s father was a staunch opponent of the Crusaders in Syria and was killed as part of it. He was the second son of his father. After his father’s murder, Nur-ud-Din and his elder brother Saif-ud-Din divided the empire between themselves, and Nur-ud-Din took over the rulership of Aleppo. His brother Saif-ud-Din Ghazi established himself in Mosul. The Al-Khabur River was considered the border between the two new states.

This Great Hero’s Marriage:

King Nuruddin tried to ally with his Muslim neighbors in northern Iraq and Syria to strengthen the Muslim front against the Crusader’s enemies. In 1147, he signed a bilateral treaty with the governor of Damascus, Mu’in al-Din. As part of this agreement, he married Ismat Uddin Khatun, Muin Uddin’s daughter.

Nur Uddin Zengi and the Crusaders:

King Nur Uddin was indomitable, brave, a political diplomat, and wise; after gaining power, he attacked the Crusader’s base Principality of Antioch and captured several bases in Syria. and entered into alliances with the neighbors of northern Iraq to strengthen the Muslims. Later, he also defeated the crusading armies of Louis VII of France and Conrad III of Germany. Under his leadership, the Muslim forces routed the Crusaders at the Battle of Inay. In 1150, he finally defeated Juscelin II. During his time, Islam was victorious all around.

He wanted to unite the countries between the Euphrates and the Nile. He was one of the brave soldiers of Islamic history, the father of Sultan Salah al-Din Ayyubi, who defeated the conquerors of Jerusalem and the Crusaders and liberated Al-Aqsa.

Conspiracy of the Jews by the dead body of Rasulullah SAW:

Sultan Nuruddin Zangi Rahmatullahi Alaihi is hailed all over the world for another incident. The fact is that in 555 Hijri, two cursed, barbaric Jewish abductors engaged in a conspiracy to hide the blessed body of the Prophet (PBUH) by digging the soil from a distance in Rawza Sharif of Madinah Monawara. Sultan Nuruddin Mahmud was informed about this conspiracy by the Prophet (PBUH) in a dream.

Distraught and enraged, he hastened to Madinah with an army, caught the two conspirators red-handed, immediately killed them, and set their bodies on fire. Finally, Rasool (pbuh) Rawza Mubarak was cast down with lead. He also has an immortal memory of numerous deeds of welfare and philanthropy in Islam. Baitul Maqdis of his dream Ayyub’s sweat and Mujahid’s Lahur Nazrana. Today, the Jews occupy the Baitul Muqaddas. Today, in the Islamic world, there is a shortage of brave mujahids like Nur Uddin and his worthy successors. Biography and Real history of Nur ad-Din Zengi

Founder of Waf Foundation:

Nuruddin Zangi Rahmatullahi Alaihi He used to do a lot of Milad Sharif and Mahfil and made all the arrangements to celebrate Eid Milad Habibullah (PBUH) under state sponsorship. He established a foundation called “Waf” so that people can adequately celebrate Habibullah SAW and Mahfil on Eid Milad. Through this, he distributed food, fruits, clothes, and necessary medicines to ordinary people so that everyone could comfortably celebrate the Eid Milad Habibullah SAW festival.

Responding to the Great Lord’s Call:

The last ruler of the militant dynasty of Turkey, after a long, 52-year, colorful, and active life, the brave soldier of Islam, a war hero of history, Al-Adil, Al-Malik Nur Uddin Militant was martyred on May 15, 1174, in Damascus, Syria. Death is an inevitable fact in human life. Every human being has to taste death one day.

Allah Ta’ala says in the Holy Qur’an (Every human being has to taste the taste of death. Surah Ale-Imran-184) that King Nuruddin Militant’s death is very natural. Still, he is a great human being like the nation’s guardian. So, the entire nation was deeply saddened by his death. Badshah Nuruddin, a Militant, spent his entire life in Jihad, struggle, and agitation against the Crusades; he dedicated his life to the service of the common man.Read others in English.

This multi-faceted King Nuruddin Militant was a faithful Sunni Muslim; he cherished the Islamic philosophy in his thoughts, and in his actions – state governance and worship – he strictly followed the rules of Islam. According to the eternal law of birth and death of the world, King Nuruddin Jangi has gone to such a world. We pray for the forgiveness of his soul in the presence of the Most Merciful Allah and grant him the highest position in Paradise. Amen. You Rabbal Alamin

—Writer Mufti Sajidur Rahman

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